Johannes M. Hedinger

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TEKTONIK Hiking exhibit open


At the UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona you gain inside in the genesis of the alpine landscape. 2018 the tectonic arena celebrates its 10 Anniversary. From July 14 – Oct 21 there is a hiking exhibit taking place in 10 mountain lodges within the perimeter of the world heritage site. 24 artworks and artists address the foundation of the alps and the unique world heritage site of tectonic Sardona.

participating artists:
The Alpinist, Ueli Alder, Reto Camenisch, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Les Frères Chapuisat, Com&Com, H.R. Fricker, Gilgi Guggenheim, Andy Guhl, Sasha Huber, Huber.Huber, Pascal Lampert, Josef Felix Müller, Laurence Piaget-Dubuis, Elodie Pong, Patrick Rohner, Katja Schenker, Studer / van den Berg, Lucie Tuma, Fridolin Walcher

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